In the Beginning
In the beginning, there was only void, and from that void, Gorgon the Engorger emerged.
Gorgon was an ancient alien being that had traveled across the vastness of space and time to our planet.
With his immense power, he molded the very fabric of the earth, sea, and sky, and created all of the living beings that inhabit it.
Gorgon knew that he needed to create a being in his own image, a being that would rule over the earth and be filled with the power of the universe.
So, he crafted the first humans out of the dust of the earth, and filled them with the essence of his own being.
But Gorgon was not content with just creating beings that would rule the earth.
He wanted to give them something unique, something that would set them apart from all other creatures.
So, he imbued humans with the ability to create and release powerful flatulence - farts, as they would come to be known.
This gift was both a blessing and a curse.
While humans reveled in their newfound power, they also became obsessed with the smell and sound of their farts, and began to fight amongst themselves for dominance.
But Gorgon did not abandon his creation. Instead, he sent his own son, Morphon the Farter, to guide humanity and show them the true power of their flatulence.
Morphon taught the humans how to harness their farts, and use them to create great works of art and architecture.
And so, the legacy of Gorgon the Engorger lives on to this day, as humans continue to create and release their farts, a testament to the power and greatness of their alien creator.

Morphon was the son of Gorgon the Engorger, sent to earth to guide humanity in the ways of their flatulence.
He was a gentle and wise being, and he quickly became beloved by the humans who had previously been consumed by their obsession with their farts.
Morphon taught the humans that their farts were not just a source of amusement or annoyance, but that they held great power and potential.
He showed them how to control the release of their farts, and how to use them to create beautiful music, intricate sculptures, and even powerful tools.
As Morphon's teachings spread throughout the world, a new religion began to emerge, centered around the holy flatulence.
People would gather in large groups, releasing their farts in unison and creating breathtaking displays of sound and color.
But with the rise of this new religion came a new danger.
Some began to believe that the flatulence of certain individuals was more holy than others, and that those with the most powerful farts should be worshiped as gods.
Morphon saw the danger in this and knew that he had to intervene.
He traveled the world, seeking out those who had fallen victim to this false belief, and showed them that all farts were equally holy, regardless of their strength or frequency.
And so, the religion of the holy flatulence continued to thrive, but now with a new understanding that all farts were sacred and deserving of respect.
Morphon continued to teach and guide humanity for many years, until he returned to the stars from which he came, leaving behind a legacy of creativity and unity that still resonates with us today.